#Sean connery the rock fuck the prom queen quote movie#
Winners go home and watch The Rock! "Losers Always Whine About Their Best" Morale Patch ONE OF THE GREATEST LINES OUT OF THAT MOVIE CAME FROM NONE OTHER THAN THE MAN HIMSELF, SEAN CONNERY! Why it is so popular is for several reasons.

But this website is suitable for all ages. I got the deal and got it done.” In the line the losers always whine about their best is meaning that s all they will talk about for the rest of their lives how good they were way back when when talked about enough and repeatedly it ⦠Thanks! Losers always whine about their best. It means what is there, the movie references a conversation Sean Connery had with Nicholas cage, something about the terrorist, been too long since I've seen it. Presenting The Rock "Winners Go Home And Fuck The Prom Queen" Morale Patch! 67% Upvoted. And when you’re ready to take the training wheels off and play with the big boys, check out my coaching & mentoring program. losers always whine about their best Quellen: zitat in einem lied von "i killed the prom queen" dort heißt es "losers always whine about their best, winners go ⦠my first deal came in.” Losers always whine about their best. ONE OF THE GREATEST LINES OUT OF THAT MOVIE CAME FROM NONE OTHER THAN THE MAN HIMSELF, SEAN CONNERY! Sources. Like Connery’s “Losers always whine about doing their best…” quote. Discover your favorite sound bites, sonic branding, and voice clips using our meme soundboard maker and other audio creation tools.